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Exercises from eloquent javascript I complete

This is the title

This is a smaller heading

This text is italic This text is bold

* This text isn’t italic *

This text is strikethrough

These are lines ___

This is a quote, looks cool eh?

My website

Same website below but with Title as alt tag: My Website


  1. Study
  2. Eat
  3. IDK

Image Link Funny Simpsons

Github markdown

    sudo apt install
    sudo apt perl 
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

sub dot_product {
    # Use ref instead
    # @_ is can be used to pass the parameter list to the function
    my ($aref, $bref) = @_;

    my @c;
    # $#$aref will give the length of the array
    foreach $i (0..$#$aref){
        $c[$i] = $$aref[$i] * $$bref[$i];

    return @c;


Name Phrase
John Deer Send him a dear john
Mr Bush Helloooo mr bush